And His Valor To Itzchak
הרב שרון יוסט
"Ug'vurato l'Itzchak - And His valor to Itzchak" - where do we see this expression coming into action?
In our parsha it is written: "And the servants of Itzchak dug in the valley, and they found there a well of living (flowing) water." Without a doubt the well belongs to Itzchak. However, the inhabitants of Gerar don't think so: "And the shepherds of Gerar fought with Itzchak's shepherds saying: the water is ours." If Itzchak would have asked us what to do, we probably would have said: Don't give in to them! Stand up to the end!
However, Itzchak decides not to fight: "And Itzchak's servants dug another well." Better to save our strength for constructive activity and not for fights.
Yet the second well also becomes the object of dispute: "And they fought over it." And this time as well Itzchak moves on: "And he dug another well… and he called its name Rechovot."
On the same night HaShem appears to him: "And HaShem appeared to him on that night and said: I am the Lord of your father Avraham… and I will bless you" meaning that you are worthy of a blessing because of the character trait of avoiding disputes.
Victory will result from building myself and not from destroying my fellow man.
And indeed, as a result of Itzchak Avinu's strength, his neighbors come to the conclusion that they cannot overcome him: "And Avimelech went to him from Gerar… and they said: we saw that HaShem is with you… let us make a covenant."
The valor of Yitzchak Avinu is manifested through his ability to restrain and control the impulses of anger and revenge, and to make the right decisions in an intelligent way.
There is a saying in the name of Rabbi Israel Salanter: Before you dig a pit fore your fellow man, build a hill for yourself.
Who is the valiant one? The one who conquers his (evil) inclination (Pirkeu Avot).
All this is true regarding b'nei brit (allies), as Chazal said: "Amitecha (your comrade) - (he who is) with you (it'cha) in Torah and Mitzvot." However, regarding to those who rise up against us with the intention of destroying us, clearly the way to deal with them is to do as Avraham Avinu did: "And he armed his students who were born in his house… and he divided (his forces) against them at night… and he pursued them…"
May we have the wisdom to pursue peace among ourselves, to strengthen ourselves with internal and external fortitude, and by virtue of Ahavat Israel and the aspiration for peace, may we merit the fulfillment of: "I pursued my enemies and overtook them, and I did not return until they were annihilated."
השיעור ניתן בכ"ו חשון תשפ"ה
קוד השיעור: 9466
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